Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Im bi polar but want to get pregnant?

im bi polar but i want a baby. i had considered a hysterectomy as i am worried about my disorder but i really want a child. im 24 engaged and we both make good money. but i was wondering how hard the pregnancy has been for other bi polar women? also after birth is it 100 certain that i will get very depressed. please no rude comments i just want to know if i do decide to start ttc i want to b sure my bi polar wont be a hug issues. thanks

What do you think of my Fantasy Football team.. Best answer gets 10 points?

i personally like it for these reasons: your starting QB Jon Kitna has 2 amazing receivers C.J and Roy Williams so his completions % and ping yards will skyrocket. Joe Addai will follow up last season again nicely i hope. Steve Smith is just flat out the man, you got Kevin Jones, Farve, and Matt Leinart on the bench in case of injures or spectacluar season and Chicago Bears Defense?? Hello can you say BEAST!!

Why do Pakistani people look like whites? They look just like white people. I got some examples. Crazy huh?

Okaaaaay.....this is a really weird question. I mean, how can someone not tell the difference between a Caucasion and a Pakistan? All Pakistanis are brown....some are light brown while others are dark brown but trust me, we're all brown (unless you consider the Kashimiris.....they are fair-skinned but I still wouldn't p one off as a caucasion. Their features are Asian).

Shoulder pain in my right shoulder?

Okay about a 4 months ago i was in the pengers seat of the car and reached back to get my backpack which had about 5 books and was really heavy. about 30 minutes later i started experiencing pain in my shoulder like a sharp pain when i would abduct my arm to about a 20 degree angle pain was towards the front. i had that for about a week and then it went away. now about 3 months later it came back yesterday. the pain is not very bad i would rank it about a 3 out of 10 with 10 being the worst. but it is kind of a nuisance and annoying it feels better today but i was wondering if i could lift weights today. or if i should go see a doctor or even worry about it

Would you like to share a turkey "left-over" recipe that isn't soup, or a sandwich?

saw it on Rachel Ray this morning. She made Turkey croquettes. It looked really yumm-o! She took left over turkey, mashed potatoes, 1 egg (raw), salt, pepper, onion, garlic, mixed it all up, dredged it in bread crumbs and parmasean cheese. Then pan fried it in EVOO.

Sea salt spray vs. sea salt soak?for a nose piercing.?

Ok, I have had my nose pierced for 3 years now. They recommended me use dial antibacterial soap to wash, it's a mild antibacterial soap. It also comes in a pump so its easy to apply in the shower with your hands. Then Use the sealsalt, place it in a bowl mixed with luke warm water, use a cotton ball and place it on your nose. I usually re-dipped it a few times and reapplied with my hand. Just for about five mins a couple times a day. Then I would use a q tip and do it to the inside for just a minute. Then rinse my face, nose area. It healed super fast! You can buy seasalt from most drug stores now or the tattoo shop. Good luck

What year did a revolution overthrow the government of Czar Nicholas II ?

February 1917, when it was replaced by Kerensky's Menshaviks. The Communist revolution disposed of Kerensky the following October.

HOw do i get advertised on the list for couriers . i would like my firm on it please?

m & a logistics , sameday , nationwide , full insurance G,I,T, P/L, no hazard goods carried , north-east daily , upto 1/2ton euro-size pallet , berlingo van 51plate , sub-contract work welcome, uniformed driver , phone 07871 413170 or WWW.FREEINDEX.CO.UK .

My newborns sweating ALOT?

my baby is 2 weeks old. he got circised on friday. iv been putting Vaseline on his diaper like the doctor told me too, i also have been giving him some infant pain reliever, but only a couple times. ever since friday my baby has been sweating like crazy! his whole back will get dripping wet, and i have to change him over and over. i took him to the hospital today and they were not concerned about it, but it just seems weird he is sweating so much has anyone else experienced this with their newborn baby? also i do not put alot of clothing on him, he is not over heated, and i dont have the house too warm.

What does the poem fear no more by shakespeare mean?

It is of sound counsel offered to one who seems to have arisen above the bounds of fear. Fear no more. Be freed from shackles of fear, of defeat and pained oblivion. It also reures, comforts with a blessing, that none be able to harm, or cause affliction by any means of sorcery or contradiction. It urges to live free in spirit, and be renowned to beyond the grave, an immortality gained by gallant deeds, and great feats of accomplishment. It urges shedding of fear of scandal, implying the recipient is nobler in love than many great professors’ of poetic odes. The mountains be as stepping stone to dreams and great oaks as strand within the hand. Written by one who loves much, maybe a Father to his child. Or surely one he loves with deep devotion to set free on higher planes upon a journey inferred into his hearts

Coffee GOOD or BAD for weight loss?

Coffee has nil food value. The only useful ingredient is caffeine. Adding sugar makes it a very fat inducing drink. Cut out the sugar or use Light Cane sugar that has half the calories of standard sugar. Cut down to one spoon of LC sugar as it is twice as sweet as standard sugar. Use only UHT .1% milk as well.

Can this truck go 0-60 in 6 seconds?

not unless its built really good he isn't going to get hat much from it,if its stock a good v-6 engine would beat him on time,he wont run no 6 with it ,not even with a 5.9 in it,good luck.

Mock Trial help!!?

Okay, so we have a mock trial at school, and I'm head prosecutor. I'm still drawing my case together, which I have to get done early. I've already got my line of defence, plus three affidavits, i've got all my witnesses, and i've outlined my questioning. Is there ANYTHING at ALL that I have left out? I've been working REALLY hard on this, and I think I've nailed her, but is there anything else to prepare? Also, how exactly do you file a motion?

Implantation cramp or not?

hi all iam currently ttc and have babydanced on my most fertile dates iam in the process of waiting to see if period arrives or not the last few days ive had like cramp to one side of my uterus and its only for a few minites at a time my bbs feel sore too do you think it could be implantation ? am due for my period on the 5th july

If God declared it to be morally permissible to kill one day, does that make it so?

First of all, He is the same God of yesterday, today and tommorrow. Second, He is a holy God. Always has been, always will be. In that he is holy, that means that His morals are pure and unchanging. He would not repeal the 10 commandments, as these are the moral fiber of what it is to be holy. These are the things that embody to humans the will and essence of God's will and His way of thinking. God is not a loser, but your mockery shall cause you to lose everything. Amen.

How can i calculate the distance and radius of the moon soley from three pictures of a lunar Eclipse?

I have to ume that you have some knowledge of geometry? If you do, you could ume that the shadow of the earth on the moon is the same size and shape as the earth itself. You might have to explain why this is, which is a geometry question in itself. But you only have part of the shadow of the earth's circle. Now, if I give you a part of a circle, using geometric principles, you should be able to figure out and drawthe radius of the circle is, right? (perpendicular bisectors of secants on the circle). If you do not know how to do this geometrically, you can try drawing different circles and overlaying them on top of the part of the circle until they match. Once you know this, you should be able to figure out how to compare the earth's and moon's sizes...

Is it possible for me to increase the speed of my laptop with a new video card or any other means?

Your laptop is too old. I hope you saved a lot since 2003 'cause you're going to need a better, newer laptop than that.

Would you try meat as a topping on your pizza?

Meat make a great topping on a pizza, if they are the home made type. they are usually cut up in pieces.

What should I wear to visiting hours?

I'm going to calling/visiting hours for someone who has ped that was very close to me tomorrow and will be there for some time. The job I have is very informal so don't have much to choose from. I have a "air force blue" shirt, a "blue" shirt, and a "pastel green" shirt (got the colors on wiki). Tan khakis or black pants. A royal blue tie, dark green patterned tie, blue and gray patterned tie, and a black tie. I also have a black jacket that matches the pants. What would I wear?

What are your Top 5 fight scenes?

I've never been a fan of fight scenes, but my favorite is when River Tam fights everyone in the bar in the movie Serenity.

Which stud to sit today???

I can only start 2 of these guys; Clinton Portis (vs Phi), Chester Taylor (vs GB) or Warrick Dunn (vs CLE). I'd normally start Portis & Taylor but with Dunn against Cleveland (and Norwood out), it's tough to sit Dunn

Help With My Fantasy Football Team 2010?

Wow, You did your work. Your backups are playing Easy D's the week your gonna need them. It doesn't matter how many times Rodgers is sacked, He was the Number one fantasy QB last season. And he has also proved he can handle all the hits and stay healthy. V Jax can just stay on the bench until he can play, You are barely gonna be fine. In Fact, because Best is so overrated, i would sell him high now for a decent RB and a Good WR to help you in the SEASON, not just the first few weeks. Best would be worth giving up for a Steve Smith, Or Greg Jennings. Or whatever WR you think can help. I would not trade Greene after the potential he showed last season. Im sure you have a better WR on your Waiver Wire that is better than Heyward Bey. I know lots of people are hopeful, but we wont know about him until the season starts. I would get someone better than that. Other than that, I think you are in good Shape. Good Luck!

Girls only please bra question?

32a is really small. I'm sure your probably not that you probably are a 34b it sounds right for your weight.

Where should I move to?

You can go to the Mystic Easter Island. This is beautiful place. You can read more in my source. Hopefully can help you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Which one would you suggest from these 4 novels?

I love Huckleberry Finn. Its funny and easy to read and you really don't have to think about it too much. Its a very good book. The Red Badge of Courage is good, too, but it has a little more gory action, not alot, but some descriptive parts.

Vinyl floor cleaning?

I recently moved into an apartment with vinyl flooring throughout the apt, the kind that is supposed to look like hardwood floors. I have lived in this apt for 27 days and have swept and mopped about 18 times already. The floors were put in right before I moved in, so they are not old. Whenever I mop, later that evening the bottom of my feet are dirty from walking on it. Please do not suggest anything like stripping it as it is a rental unit. The floors only stay clean for about a day after a thorough mopping. I have tried swiffer wet and dry and bought a new mop and broom and am currently using pine sol. Please, help if you can!

Do you think it's a good idea to bring in tacos from taco bell for my spanish project?

Nah, don't bring something simple like tacos ( unless you make them yourself). Do something original, like making Mexican kabobs, they're quick and easy

White smoke from new exhaust?

Nissan skyline, i put a blitz exhaust on and before it was fine no problems but after installation lots of white smoke comes out during idle. The o2 sensor was not touched at all.

How can i connect my xbox cable to my laptop?

my tv doest work.my father is not gonna buy a new tv for me.is there any way please tell me.please help me.

Is wrong according to the Bible(plz read)?

i know the Bible nvr comes out and says it but it does say about purity and lust, is it wrong is no lustful thinking occurs when masturbating and it is done solely to not have lustful thoughts(to control the hormones)

My rabbits wont exercise?

There were many days I'd come home open up the rabbit cage and she wouldn't come out. She could if she wanted but she was fine just hanging out in her cage. There are some ways to try and get your rabbits out and about, mostly by picking them up and putting them down somewhere else, like rooms they aren't use to, or put veggies or other things that smell interesting in the room, they will usually be more interested in moving if they are out of their usual environment. You could look into leash training your rabbit, and take them out for walks. There were some days with my rabbit she really didn't do much and then there were others when she ran and ran and ran around the house. If your rabbits do not seem interested in anything you do you might want to look into changing their diet, or contact a vet to help come up with ideas specifically for your rabbits.

In Star Wars, Jar Jar is suppose to be WHAT?

They were good friends when Darth was a child(Anakin). Robot chicken is making fun of how annoying he was and they were playing on the whole Obi wan being able to communicate through the force once he dies. pretty fuuny schetch. Seth Green Rules for doing this special.

Breaking News! Did you hear Archie just?

popped the question to Veronica, and she asked Betty to be her bridesmaid. Jug head is going to be best man. YES for you that don't know these are comic book characters. Whats your thought, do you care? this was on national news.

How to calculate distance of lens from a slide?

A slide with a lens that has a focal length of 8.3 cm produces a clear image on a screen 2.3 m away. How far from the lens is the slide?

What kind of hair style should I get?

I think it would really look good on you... but if you want a change then i think you should dye your hair too... maybe chocolate brown...

How long do you think it would take me to grow my hair?

I think you're hair looks fine now, as far as what it would like like "down to your " I'm not sure, I havent seen your s.....

Where will Iverson go after the season?

I heard that Iverson will not resign with Detroit after the season. Where will he go to most likely? What teams need his prescensce?

Is there anywhere to get the sheet music for a band arrangement of "flash delirium"?

I want to play this in music cl, so it has to be Levels 2-3... need sheet music for clarinette, saxophone, trumpet, sax tenor, trombone, and flutes.

Ear stretching with pinchers?

I learned from personal experience that you will be wasting your money if you buy your sh*t from hottopic. Spencers has much cheaper plugs and tapers for better quality and more of a selection. (Pinchers are a type of taper by the way)

Is it that immature to like video games?

I'm in my late-20s and I LOVE video games, I have since I was 4, and I probably will when I'm 64. It's a diversion, it's a stress-reliever, and I feel accomplished when I win.

Does macaroni or spaghetti cause acne?

ok im trying to get rid of my acne yes i have pretty bad acne so im trying not to eat fast food for a month and eat more salad and drink heeps and heeps of water and ofcourse fruits but is it ok to eat macaroni but without cheese or anything that's oily and spaghetti with meat??

Need an opinion and advice on my attitude on dating!!?

I'm 15 and am a sophomre in a co-ed high school. I haev never had a boyfriend before and I have always wanted one. However, i'm just not really intereted in any of the guys at my school. I find that a lot of them are very immature, not very attractive, and act so stupid! Most of them are wannabe "gangsters" adn just act like idiots and think they're so tough when they're like wussies! The guys in my school are still little boys and I'm looking for a man! No, not a guy over 18, just a guy around my age that has grown up a little bit. So, I'm kinda content with being single right now and really don't haev the desire to date a guy as I used to. I'm not like crying at night saying "Oh, why don't I haev a man?!" No, I'm like whatever, just going with the flow. Is that normal behavior for a heteroual girl? I mean, I find some male rockstars to be smokin hot but I have no interest in girls. Is there something wrong with me not wanting to really go out and date at this moment? Am I normal?

Why okay for wives, but not for husbands?

Why is it perfectly okay, natural, and somewhat of an actual TURN ON for a wife to have a vibrator, to appreciate & enjoy , and to pleasure herself freely and regularly when her husband isn't around? Yet when a husband gets caught masturbating to online late at night then suddenly he is some sort of an "unappreciate pig" who has a "serious addiction that requires counceling"? Shouldn't what's good for the Goose be good for the Gander?

What Is the name of this movie?

Its a independent movie. I was about a girl who was making a doll. She would kill people and use there body parts for the doll. And at the end the doll was alive. To me it seemed like a modern Frankenstein. I came out a couple years ago?

Richard III essay !! please proofread?

No, witchcraft is NOT the act of accusing someone with flimsy evidence. That might be false accusation, but it is not witchcraft. Look up a proper definition of witchcraft -- it's probably something like using spells, potions or magic to cause harm.

We're all going on a summer holiday-should Gordon?

PM Brown says he is listening and understands what needs to be done. Great. Let him cancel the parliamentary recess, recall the buggers and start enacting the necessary legislation.

How can I hit clean wedge shots every time? (Golf)?

I am struggling making good contact with my LW, SW, GW. I am trying to find out if my wedge swing should differ from my iron swing. Please help. I tend to hit shots fat or thin recently.

Hair straightener question?

I am thinking of getting a new hair straightener for christmas. I was thinking of getting the red conair infiniti straightener. does anyone have it, and if so, how do you like it?

Quick physics question.?

A boy pulls a sled with a 140 lb force at an angle of 65 degrees to the ground. What are the horizontal and vertical components of the force?

How do I change my NAT type from moderate to open?

I have an E2000 router Linksys cisco router and how do I change it? I have had trouble in the past with my old router.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's that time again! Bikini help?

try looking for just an unpadded top theres ones that are basically just fabric(they do have a little pad because you cant just have your right up against the fabric(especially if your going in cold water))

Why dont the Olympics have more people we acutally care about?

I mean from a marketing perspective, wouldn't it make more sense to have people like Michael Phelps, Matt and Suzy from the Biggest Loser, Randy and Simon from American Idol, Jimmy Johnson, etc..competing at the games. I mean I would be way more interested in this, than watching some of the nonames and freaks who walked into the arena last night.

Crazy Obsession With Pleasing People, Please Answer!?

I used to be like this and then I got tired of people taking advantage of me now I have became almost bitter over this. I don't really do that much anymore for other people. I used to do a lot for my mom and I was always there for her when her husband treats her badly, now I barely come around. I'm tired of that. I used to help people at work if they needed help on something, now I say I'm busy. I used to help my friend babysit her kid, drive him to school when I don't have kids and don't even want kids because I think they're too much for me to handle. She didn't give me any money to do it and here I was with her kids 7 hours and using my gas for her, when I really don't want that responsibility. So were not friends anymore. I stopped talking to her and if she tries to talk to me, I avoid or look mean and angry so she wont talk to me. I used to do everything for my boyfriend, his laundry, clean the house, from wall to floors, to ceilings, it was spotless, I still keep the house clean because I can't live in a house dirty but I'm not doing as much as I once did. He would get upset one day if I decided to kick back when everyday it seemed like go to work, come home, cook, clean, and then go to bed, yeah huh. So now its like I spend 1 hour cleaning a day and thats it and he helps out now. The truth is if you let these people walk all over you, one day, you will get tired of it. I became this way because many people have taken advantage of me and I let it happen but it has taught me for the better. Now I don't let anyone take advantage of me, and I only help if I want to. I'm still giving but to a certain extent. ~~~~~~~As far as the guy thing, randomly having , don't do that. If he wont wait don't let him take it. Don't let men take advantage of you, its your life and if they don't like it tell them to stick it where it counts....Don't do her work, shes using you, forget that, tell her I rather not do your work anymore, they're paying me only to do my work and I'm not getting paid to do yours too, I can show you some ways to get it done quicker or maybe help a little but I'm not going to do it for you. If she was a friend, she wouldn't let you do my work. I wouldn't let you do my work, I'm responsible for my own work......If they want to copy off you, make up a lie, the teacher told me my work looks like someone elses and I don't want to get in trouble because your coping my work. ........The money situation, I don't have money right now to let you borrow because you already owe me money and I'm saving up for something so I can't let you borrow it, sorry........Tell your parents you want to have time to do other things, offer to do the dishes after dinner, take out the trash and sweep the floor and to do your laundy, that's sufficient. They need to help out too.........Check out a book called, 250 Way to say it---and mean it,"NO." The author is Susan Newman, Ph.D. This book gives you ways to say no and get your point across without being too forward. Goodluck, be strong, and don't let anyone walk on you.

Would a Scion tC save me gas opposed to a Jeep Wrangler?

I don't have a tc but I have a xb. I get 30 to 34 miles per gallon in it. I have my 2000 Wrangler Sport for sale now. I got around 15 miles a gallon in it so I am sure you would be happy.

Will this work with itunes?

itunes music format is AAC. You can use itunes on a creative zen. what you have to do is download the music you want from itunes and use some software called creative explorer to import itunes music into the zen explorer then sync the zen with the explorer. The creative zen also takes wma files too, the best one is you can download the bbc Iplayer content from your pc to the zen. I've had one a few months now I would not go back to the ipod.

Avatar legends of the arena question?

ok!! when you level 50 you wont get more items and experience point and when ou finish the training it wont apear the screen that tell you what you won or how many experienxe you won......The reason why is because you finish the level level50 is the last level. We dony know yet how to make more characters or unlock katara, toph, zuko , or aang because the people that are working on the game are making new versins but soon tose thing will come if you want to know more abou me here is my email josuaboricuaboy@yahoo.com

My cat ate one of my oxycontin?

My cat ate and chewed one of my oxycontin 40mg tabs that was in a piece of cheese (don't ask). Will my cat die from this or will it just get buzzed out and happy? If all you're going to say is "pay more attention to where your meds are" or "be more responsible" then you can f*ck right off, I don't want your comments here. Not to be a jerk or anything. I had the pill up in a cabinet and my cat is insane... he knows how to open cupboards with his paw when he climbs up various surfaces to get up there and he really likes cheese for some weird reason... or maybe he's a closet addict! I am worried about his healthy and hope wolverine will be ok. I'm hoping he will just get a buzz off of them and purr/meow to his little heart's content. I know it's a narcotic and that dose is damn high but it seems like he will be alright. Any EDUCATED guesses or input is greatly appreciated!! Any negative comments can be shoved, thank you!

Can you be cly and have a tattoo?

I'm just about to turn 18, I want to get "Oh sweet angel of mercy With your grace like the morning Wrap your loving arms around me" on my ribs. I'm a pretty cly girl, abd they type of men I'm interested in are cly guys. Could I still get this tattoo and have cly guys be attracted to me?

Mortgage insurance help?

I had mortgage insurance on a property. I then had depression and was unable to work, subsequently they didnt pay out and went into arrears therefore losing my home.Also now they are on credit file and might find it difficult to obtain credit so that a treble whammy- I would like to know if there is anything i could do regarding this, taking the bank to court or something else??

Earth Science Test. These Questions are hard! Can you answer them?

Exactly... Half of these i can actually Google and get answers. But i'm sure you can do that instead of me wasting my time while thats something you can do.

Do you think spongebob is appropriate for kids?

i just don't think it is because they had one episode where he was cussing and one episode where he was watching i wouldn't let my 5 or 4 year old watch it cuz i don't think it's kiddie like what do you think?

My Boyfriend Cheated On Me and Is Calling in An Hour What do I Say?

What do I say to this guy? We've been on an off for years and I am so upset. I could never do this to him. I'm worried that I'll either just hysterically do this and say "Why! Why?!" or be crazy angry and start singing You Must Not Know Bout Me by Beyonce. He hasn't even apologized, it's like he has no idea (or maybe he just doesn't care?) how much I am hurting. Is it worth explaining? What do I even say?

How do you tell someone not to bring their dog when they visit?

My brother takes his dog everywhere, including when he comes to visit people. I don't want his dog in my house, in my yard, or for that matter, any where near me. He has a bull mastiff, which is quite a large dog (over 130 lbs) who loves to pee on everything, and when it goes to the bathroom, its bigger than my boot. And, he tries to mate with everything, including the furnature. Plus, it smells. I like dogs, I do, but I don't like THIS dog. I have told him that I find it extreamly rude when someone brings thier dog into someone elses house, when they come to visit. He just says "oh, he's a puppy" or "he's a good boy". No, he's not either. I have told him that if he is going to come over, not to bring his dog, and he then says, "well, if he can't come, then I wont either". I would still like to see my brother, but not his dog. What can I do? How can I get one, without the other. He refuses to leave him in the car. Has anyone had a problem like this, and if so, how did you handle it?

Would it be funny to see this happen to Lindsey Lohan in a movie?

A giant Avril Lavigne in her underwear picks up L.L., And puts L.L in Avril's underwear, and sits down on a bridge, and squashes L.L. I know this sounds nasty, and weird but it will be funny.

How to prove date or spousal in court if the victim did not have injuries?

I agree who ever does that deserves to be punished but its a burden on the prosecutor to prove it beyond a reasnoble doubt.The defense could easily sat it was contensual espicialy she is his wife or girl friend and they were with each other for a long time.If it was the girl friend the defense would argue why did she come to his house.Because if i was a juror it will be hard to convince me unless there were injuries or a witness because sometimes women lie about or make there children lie about the father molesting them to get custody over them or if there was no children she might get angry and would like to get back at him or after he dumps her.I no that the minority of women do that because its unlikily to lie about being d.

Going to St. Thomas for anniversary is it better to find cheap airfare first and hotels later?

You're not allowed to sleep on the beach so you'd better have both. With the economy the way it is, a room should not be too hard to find. I really don't think of the word cheap and St. Thomas at the same time. Everything has to be imported.

I dont know if im wasting my time or not...?

I'm 17 and i think i want to start looking for a serious relationship. My gf is 15 and im not sure if she is as serious about me as i am about her. I love being with her and she makes me happy. but the main problem is that she is a devout catholic and im not, so if our relationship were to go all the way to marriage she would probably want to get married in a catholic church and im not down for that, or raising my kids as catholics. I really like her but i dont know how far our relationship can actually go. Advice?

Asian Mushroom Soup...?

I went to an asian restaurant a few weeks ago, and had hibachi. Hibachi is when the cook cooks the food right in front of you. Well, before the cook came, a waitress brought us a mushroom soup which looked like just water with mushroom shavings in it. But, it was delicious. I'm wondering if anyone knows the recipe to this soup and if the recipe includes meat. (I'm a recent vegetarian. I started about a week ago.) The broth was very good, but I couldn't tell if it was mushroom broth or a meat broth. Any help?

Is Taylor swift weird lookin?

Didn't she deserve to have that award rudely snatched from her bony talentless fingers Kanye should get an award for that

Is it the law for workplaces to have sanitary bins in the toilets?

Ok so me and my colleague there is only two of us in the office, we are both female, recently we received a bill for the sanitary bins for 40 pound for it to be emptied and cleaned, However, our boss is pretty tight with money...and he has a wife that really interferes... recently my colleague has had an hysterectomy so she doesn't have periods but i do obviously, he actually asked us if we needed it because it was costing to much and said to my colleague you wont need it and said to me well you young'uns use them tampax or whatever and flush them down the toilet, ok so i do use them but its still hygienic to put the wrappers etc in the sanitary bins, but me and my colleague know its his wife that's telling him to get rid of it. So what im asking is, is it law to have one? Thanks

Why do I get a error code when using messenger 9.0?

when in messenger, clicking on any action such as 'view profile" I get an error code saying 'this file does not have a program ociated with it for performing this action.Creat an ociation in the Folders Option control panel" how does one go about doing this? Or is there a fix?

Does anyone know the lyrics to "Going on a treasure hunt x marks the spot"?

going on a treasure hunt, x marks the spot, four big boulders and one tiny dot, spiders crawling up your back bite ya bite ya, blood rushing down, blood rushing down, spiders crawling up your back bite ya bite ya, blood rushing down, blood rushing down, crack an egg on your head, let the yolk rush down, crack an egg on your head, let the yolk rush down, stab a knife in your back let the blood rush down, stab a knife in your back let the blood rush down, snakes crawling up your back bite ya bite ya, blood rushing down, blood rushing down, snakes crawling up your back bite ya bite ya, blood rushing down, blood rushing down. tight squeeze, cool breeze, now you got the chills

What to think when he sayyys thiss?

okay so this guy i like we were texting and my birthday is comin upp so we were texting and i said so what are you getttin me for my birthday and he replyed back a kiss(and at this point i can't wait cuz i likee him!) anyways it's not till a week so will he remember or? any suggestions?

Does anyone remember a film about a woman "curing" a man of ennui?

This is driving me mad. I remember watching a film about a woman "curing" a man of ennui. It's part of the plot in a 80/90's US kiddie comedy. The guy is stinking rich but bored and tells some dipsy woman that if he's not cured of his "ennui" then he will die. She proceeds to take him round Disneyland etc until he announces he is cured and she is really pleased with herself. Does anyone remember this?

Playstation 3 is acting up.?

Is that problem only happening with Bad company? I wouldn't be worried happens to me when i play other games, also sometime when I'm watching videos on Youtube.

What is the balanced symbol equation for the combustion of pentane in a LIMITED supply of air?

I know when you have a complete supply of air you end up with carbon dioxide as a product, but when air supply is limited, isnt carbon monoxide produced?

Bingo proposition?

I have a quick question for all you bingo players out there. Would you buy a square tipped bingo dauber/dabber? I play bingo occasionally and i notice people who use the typical circle dabbers dab like crazy to fill up all the white space in the square which can be hard to do because the tip is circular. If they made a square dabber tip that fit the square, would you use it?

Would you defy all odds to live as you want to?

Depends what was wrong, but like him I'd want to be able to have an active life. I wouldn't want to be in a wheelchair.

Your Stock Choices!?

I keep hearing good things about Cisco (CSCO), but they have been falling rather badly these past one or two months. I think the may have hit bottom, though, and may be starting to climb back up. Either way, based on their financial info, their shares are very underpriced (cheaper than what they should be)

Salary, what am I worth?

I currently work at non-profit buying co-operative in the lumber and building materials industry. We are amongst the top three companies in the industry but only staff about 50-80 people at a given time. I am a commodity lumber trader currently with a salary of 64K. I hold an MBA degree from a fairly well known regional school. I have been offered a middle management position of my group (6 people). Our group is budgeted for 100 million in annual sales. The offer is for 74K a 10k increase with the promotion. The median compensation for this grade level is supposed to be around 76K. This is a very small industry that serves millions of people but acts like a fraternity. To put it into further perspective I know the VP's make around 150 and the pres near 300K. I would report directly to the VP. What am I worth???

Where is the best place to buy a nissan skyline R34 GT-R?

been looking for a skyline R34 for ages. Just wondering where the place is to buy one from. Preferably a place that has a website.

Why did he dump me after I told him I was pregnant?

Yeah he sounds like a creep. He wanted to be all smooth when he first met you and was saying all those sweet nothings in your ear. And now that your pregnant he is wanting to end it with you. But yeah he definitely needs to help you with all of the expenses for the baby. And I know that has to feel so bad to be pregnant and the guy treat you like that. But don't worry you can do it. You already have your two other kids. So don't get an abortion just have the baby. It was meant to be for you to have this little one and don't worry about his sorry a** just make sure he pays. Good Luck! And God Bless!


How good is it that some athiests are starting to doubt themselves. I just answered someone who's question if God does exist wee hee we are working lets keep praying.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I think my mom pawned a family heir, what should I do?

You may want to consider that mom may not have wanted to pawn it. She may have needed to pawn it. All family heirlooms are not always meant to be kept. My great grandmother ped on a ruby necklace for those just in cases. It was stated that nothing is worth more than our survival... Maybe this is what your mom may have used it for. Keep in mind when things are tough mom will not always reveal this to you, in hopes of allowing you to enjoy your youth. Don't hound her, consider all aspects. Peace and Love.

Which guitar is better?

I am going to buy an electric guitar and need advice. Which is better out of a peavey strat for $75, an 80's westone for $100 (jackson copy) or a vester strat for $90? Thanks to anyone who answers.

What's this country song?

It's about a little girl who's dying of cancer maybe? It's not Skin by Rascal Flatts. I've only heard it a few times on the radio. It's kinda old. It's supposed to be from her dad's point of view. It has something about her pigtails or something? I don't know. Anybody know?

Symbolism in Hamlet with Ophelias flowers?

In Hamlet Ophelia hands out flower after her fathers death. THe flowers are rosemary, pansies, fennel, columbines, rue (herb of grace), daisies, and violets. Who does she hand what flower to and what is the symbolism of the flowers. Will choose best answer!

Is this dress good or bad?

First of all, I just love your vocabulary. How is describing a piece of apparel like a coat, dress, a belt or an appliance like a refrigerator or can opener as being good or bad make any kind of sense? The dress can LOOK good or bad. You wouldn't say that is good cereal. You would say the cereal tastes good, right? Anyway...the dress looks good.

Can you write an interesting paragraph incorporating these words??

once upon an old time rock n' roll, Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone... he played it with such furiosity that he was recommended for the homecoming dance. Unfortunately Spider Murphy wasn't very clever and thought they said "I'm coming Lance" so off he went to meet Lance, even thouh Spider Murphy don't know much about algebra I'll tell you that now!!!!!!! anyway he arrived and Lance said with a coy lisp, "hello I wonder if you could solve this anti-aquatic equation for me?" and Spider Murphy was so enthused (albeit hungry) he started doing the alley oop oop especially for Lance! Lance joined in and they had a really great time. really. teenagers have so much energy...

Why has he changed his mind???? pplease help?

i dnt want this t be too much info bt wud realli like help my boyfriend has a realli high drive n i neva have t ask for bt recently he has gne off it n last time we had he wasnt even fully erect whch he always has been n i have asked him for which i neva do n he has turned me dwn making exuses like watchin a film this has made me really worrired he isnt attracted t me nemore or heating what du u think n what should in do

Does anyone know of alternative in-patient treatment available to people with bipolar in the Bay Area?

Does anyone know of any alternative in-patient treatments available for people with bipolar disorder in the bay area? My brother has bipolar disorder and we have talked and we agreed on having him receive some in-patient treatment for awhile. But I don't want to send him to a hospital or anything. I was wondering if there are any homes or anything where he can stay and receive treatment. I just think mental hospitals are barbaric, so I was wondering what type of alternative treatments there, preferably in San Francisco. I'm not too familiar with the area, as I don't live there, but my brother does live in San Fran. Can anyone help me out?

Is there a company called GLOBAL MAX DELIVERIES in UK?

It was told that this GLOBAL MAX DELIVERIES (Global Max Delivery Service) is the affiliate courier company for UK National Lottery.

Will a 13 inch MacBook do?

I'm using a fully-loaded 13" model right now and it's fantastic. The 15 inch is just too big, and the white macbook is just too slow for most photo editing/music editing (especially if you use logic or protools). You'll love the size, weight, and feel.

Abercrombie sizes?

I've never bought a hoodie from there and im going to order one online t my Q is if im a L in hollister(hoodies) does that mean im a large in A&F? I would go to a store but the problem is it's like in a whole nother zip code (:

Mike Phelps last 400?

I am watching the Olympics and they said he was probably very emotional at the podium when he got his gold medal because it was probably his last 400. Is he going to retire or something?

Am i going to be safe?

ok, i was arrested and im on probation for 2 years. I was charged with a felony...possession of heroin. I was wrongly arrested, and tried my best to fight it, but ended up with probation, and so i have a record and i cannot work my job ( nuclear engineering) i had a job set up for when i was finished college. my life is completely ruined. im planning on going to live in Ukraine because of the money exchange rate.... i have enough money and resources to not have to worry about working ever again if i go there. my question is, is the US government going to be looking for me or flag my pport when i skip probation, or do they have better things to do than to further ruin a wrongly accused 21 year olds life???

Im from the philippines and a first time traveller. could you suggest a the cheapest airfare possible?thanks a?

Which city are you flying into? Philippine Airlines tends to have cheaper tickets but their service is not too good and they do not have a large network of cities that they fly to. Cebu Pacific is a regional carrier so they fly only within Asia.

This is an add on......to a question that I asked a few mins ago, but it seems that no one can answer?

Sorry, I need more clues. I know my piano players pretty well, but can't place him on the few lyrics you gave. If you think of more, let us know. (Oh, I love that song Mandolin Rain) I actually have that video.

What do I wear for Freshman For a Day?

I'm going to this school for Freshman for a day. We are not allowed to wear sneakers or jeans! Not even sweatpants!!!! what do I do??!

What tips do you have to improve employee morale at work?

Not looking for cheesy corporate tips. I'm looking for real ideas that will bring people together and make people happier.

Do you have to lose body parts to be a cyborg?

cyborg is part human part robot so part of you would have to robot, so answer is it would be easier to become a cyborg if you got rid of some pesky in-the-way body parts, but you can also add robot parts to your existing body, but they have to be attached like... muscle activated machine guns that have been added into the flesh of your arms, without damaging the arm of course, just changing your arms capabilities from slapping and hitting to wholesale carnage

Harry Potter fans: plot hole regarding the Elder Wand?

I see what you are saying but Voldemort has not stolen the wand from its owner, that is the key to the Elder wand and it's 'power'. Ownership of the wand transferred to Draco moments before Dumbledore's death so it is his. In every case the theft has been from the owner of the wand. That's how I see it anyway?? :)

Was L.Van Beethoven a Lutheran?? or what religion did he profess? Want to know for sure, please.?

No. He was born into a Roman Catholic family. Beethoven was baptized on December 17, 1770. Beethoven was born and raised a Roman Catholic, and he composed many religious works, among them the M in C and the Missa Solemnis

How to check for Virus BEFORE download?

You really cant be sure. However, If you download the file and do not launch it before checking with antivirus, you can know that it is not infected and be safe.

Is my essay THAT bad? for freshman.. regular cl for english?

In regular english, 9th grade, easily an A and should be an A+, unless you're at one of the primary private institutions in America I don't see how you got a C (no rhyme intended)

Where has Les Battersby gone in corrie?

I know that Bruce Jones was axed from corrie but where did Les Battersby go within the storyline, there's no real mention of him anymore, was he killed off or was he sent to Outer Mongolia?

Please answer if you are a Vet, or Vet Tech , or even if you just know what im asking. Thanks so so so much!!?

Saturday I took my dog, a Boxer/pitt mix to the vet to question a bump on the end of his back close to his hip bone. I tried to find it for her & I unexpectedly found 3 more for a total of 4. I was shocked to find them because I give my dog a health check everyday where I throughly check his body for cuts, ticks, & things out of the ordinary. He loves to go running through the woods in our back yard, so I thought maybe it could be a spider bite or something like that. Our vet said no it is not, it is probably a clogged hair follicle or a wart. She said it is commonly seen on er spaniels. The bumps weren't large enough to cause concern she said, but she gave me the option to have them sampled or to wait it out and see if they grew large enough to get a decent sample to send off to the lab. Has anyone ever seen this on their dog, or does anyone know what they are, and if it is something to be concerned about? I appreciate your response.

Is this a Good treatment for TTC?? Has it worked for someone?

I have never been through this, but my best friend has and I had the pleasure of attending a dr. appt. with her and keep up with what is going on with her on a daily basis. She is currently 9.5 weeks pregnant, but I will be completely honest with you, its been a very long emotional road for her. This pregnancy appears to be a very successful one and I pray it continues as it has, but she had to endure many dr. appts. and injections and expenses and medicines and two miscarriages to get to this point. My heart goes out to everyone that has these problems with ttc. I really wish you the very best of luck and will keep you in my prays and hope that you are successful in your quest for a child :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why do i often get sleep paralysis?

I dont know why it happens but it is when you wake up but youre still in a semi sleep state...the things you see at this time are hypnogogic images...just like youre still seeing your dream. I used to get this a LOT, sometimes up to 4 times a night. I went to a homeopath and he gave me a remedy made from spider venom ( latrodectus, I think its called) and I havent had sleep paralysis in over a month.

When you have two little kids close in age do they share underware?

I have two little girls who are 18 months apart in age, yet are nearly identical in size. They share shirts and pajamas, but have their own pants. I buy a lot of socks and undies, so it's not like they are grungy or anything, but I don't see a need to seperate them per girl. Is this what you do too? Or do you individualize the personals stuff? I just have a big basket in the bathroom with socks and undies (another of jamies) so when they get out of the bath they pick out their own. Your answer probably won't cnahge anything :) but I'm curious.

What does a guy mean when they say "youre perfect for me, im just not ready to be ina relationship"?

ive been dating this guy for 2 months now and lately hes been very attentive to me always txting and calling saying i miss you and calling me his love lots of sweet talkin . also saying he feels closer to me lately and stuff and one night on the way home from a bar with his friends he said "lets reevaluate things, i want to take us to the next level" so i confronted him on his txt and behavior lately and he says "I think ur a great girl ur perfect for me but im just not ready to be in a relationship right now".... will he ever be or am i being strung along and nothing is ever going to come out of this?

Why would the WWE put 12 divas on SVR 10 ?

So I just saw the divas that are going to be on SVR10 they are the y Melina, Bella Twins, Beth, Eve, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, Michelle Mccool, Natalya, Maryse, Maria, Mickie James and there are more divas in the WWE than that I was just wondering why couldn't they just put all the divas on there and there was supposed to be 3 legend divas which were Trish, Santina, and I think Lita so I just wanted to know why couldn't they just put all of them on there were they being grimy or something.

If the IRS requires you to pay the estate tax and the donor's tax redundantly, aint that anomalous?

As I said in the other post when you asked a similar question, if you live where there are estate and donor taxes, the estate tax is applied first. If the heir (the spouse in this case, since there was no will) decides to transfer it to someone else (the niece in this case) the spouse could then be liable to pay a donor's tax. Even if you think they are happening at the same time, they will be handled as two separate transactions.

I'd be very thankful if you could help me recall the movie?

where the son of a fireman got in trouble by his father after helping put out a fire because the firefighters were on strike. This was only a small part of the moviePlease.

Toys for rabbit and guinea pig?

My rabbit and buinea pig both live in the same hutch - can anyone recommend toys for them - they have an outdoor and indoor hutch

Will I burnout the motor of a computer fan with excess current?

I'm using an 80mm computer case fan with a 12V wall adapter. It's not going in a computer, it's for a project I'm working on. The fan is rated for 12V and 1.68W which means that it uses 140mA. Am I right that in using a wall adapter that's rated 12V and 500mA the fan will be ok? I should only worry about an excess of voltage correct?

How do New Yorkers Decide Which Team to Support?

......between the Jets and Giants. Do they cheer for both or...... if they just cheer for one, why? Does it depend on what part of the city they live? Or do Giant fans become Jets fans now that the Jets have gotten this far? Just curious. Same with the Mets and Yankees.

Translate this into modern English?

I don't think that most of the human race have not been ugly. It is a statement about the ugliness of humans.

Vick win the Madden NFL 12 cover?

WTF??? It should hav been Rodger or better Brady. I believe in the Madden curse and my favorite team is the Eagles, so this isn't good, there's gonna be some majot controversy over this sh�t also, they probably shouldn't have put Vick on the bracket to begin with. Still thoughts???

Who is this "little horn" in Daniel, when did he come, what did he seek to change?

Daniel 7:24-25 GNB The ten horns are ten kings who will rule that empire. Then another king will appear; he will be very different from the earlier ones and will overthrow three kings. (25) He will speak against the Supreme God and oppress God's people. He will try to change their religious laws and festivals, and God's people will be under his power for three and a half years.

Can someone please tell me why my freezer continues to freeze up?

Two weeks ago the coils in my freezer froze up. I know this because I called an appliance repair serv. They told me they could fix it for $325. I of course said no and defrosted it myself with a blowdryer. It worked like new. However, today the same thing happened. The food in the fridge and freezer wasn't cold/frozen so once again I saw that the coils were frozen. I defrosted it with the blow dryer again but this time they froze up again almost immediately. What is going on?And does anyone know how I can fix it?

What audio format should I use?

I used to use Windows media player to rip music and sync it to my Sansa mp3 player. The result is that my entire music collection is in WMA format. I just got an ipod touch, and I realize that I have to convert my music to a different format; however, I have an aversion to the itunes AAC format. Really I just don't like the fact that there is not much support for it by many of the the standard linux audio players (I currently am using both Windows and Ubuntu.) So here's my question: other than the iTunes format, what formats should I use to convert all my WMA music files so that they will be supported on my itouch? MP3, Ogg Vorbis, flac, wav., ect. What is your personal preference and why?

1990 buick lesabre, radiator fluid overflowing out of cap?

there should be enough fluid in the radiator to cover the coils, if you can see the coils the fluid is too low, I would have the thermostat changed and the system flushed out and see if that helps and if it doesn't I would be looking at the radiator as being plugged up or possibly the water pump, my bet would be the radiator as old as the car is.

R&S:- god has made all equal or have kept some difference?

All humans are here to experience life, and we all have to take the good with the bad, that was the deal ("The knowledge of good and evil"). Some people can tip the scale in the favor of good things occurring if they are aligned with their true will, or true potential. We all have the right to live a happy and abundant life, but not everyone chooses this (in their subconsious). When you are doing negative and hateful things, it takes you away from this will. Even though there are rich people who don't deserve their fortunes, and good-hearted people who suffer, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and maybe that soul is choosing that experience for their spiritual growth. Only the soul knows why one chooses the life they have. But our lives no matter how bad can always be turned around when we are aligned with a higher power.

What would be a good talent show song?

I am a guy. I guess I'd be both a tenor and a b, it just depends on the song. I would like to chose songs that aren't mainstream, but not indie songs. If they are mainstream, I don't want them to be too popular, so more like "a couple years old", if you know what I mean.. If anyone can help me, I'd would be most appreciative!

I know the definition but can't think of the term?

here is the definition: a person or group that flees from one country to escape illegal persecution then gains power in another country then turns around and illegally persecutes someone else

Why the hell she do this to me? What the hell should i do?

Damn i got a long story of problems with this girl. But before i start let me just make it known.. ive never had a girlfriend so im very vulnerable. Well yeah theres this girl i was talkin to for a while about 3 months and then i went to mexico for a couple of months but when i got back school started and i took her out to lunch for the first time like around the first week of september. that day a bunch of her friends were telling me she really liked me so i decided id ask her out the next week. the exact day i was goin to ask her another guy beat me to it. They went out for a week and like the 6th day i told her i was in love with her (i fell so easily) and she told me she loved me back and so her boyfriend told her he loved her and she said she didnt love him (he knew about me so he dumped her. the same day he dumped her he hooked up with another girl.) so i asked her out a couple days later and she said she wanted more time since she was really hurt and realized anyone could lie to her about loving her. so i waited 2 weeks. asked her out again and said she wanted more time. i started thinking she didnt love me no more.. and then last week i felt we were progressing a lot so i asked her out again last friday. she said no she didnt want a boyfriend yet. i got unpatient and told her i didnt wanna talk to her anymore becuz shes been hurting me a lot. so the next day she calls me and says i made her cry in public when i told her i didnt wanna talk to her anymore and she cried herself to sleep. i didnt believe her so i just kept talkin back to her saying stuff like u dont know how much uve hurt me ive cried myself to sleep a lot more than once. she started crying on the phone and told me to call her later. i called her 2 hours later becuz i was feeling so guilty. i apologized and she told me to not apologize because shes been acting like a real ***** to me. so i asked her what did she wanna do and she said to keep talking and i asked her how much longer she wants to wait. and she said this week. Well today shes been actin pretty stupid with me. i was texting her and i asked her out to lunch and said no because she had a date so i was like what the **** and she responded with "haha just kidding" and i didnt think it was funny and i asked her if she really liked me or if she was just going to hook up with me out of pitty. she responded with "its not that its just that youre not as attractive as michael phelps" (shes obsessed with him) and i said please im trying to be serious stop messing around and she was trying to be funny by saying "thats what she said" and so i got really mad but said "please im not trying to start a fight why are u acting like this?" she didnt respond. i saw her after school and walked up to her and just said why were u acting like that earlier? and she just stared at me for a minute straight with no words and then said "ill talk to you later" and walked away. she sent me a text message like 5 min later saying "im so sorry but i dont think we could get together.. i dont think it would work out".. so now im really mad!! i dont know what the hell to do.. im so confused any advice?

This is my first poem. what can i fix? its not all of it, but this is what i have.?

Whoa...That was uttterly and absolutely amazing. As I read it, your words supplied me with vivid pictures of what was going on. I felt as though I were actually that person, there, experiencing everything. In my opinion, nothing needs to be changed. You're a natural, so just keep on at it. :)

What can i give my daughter 4 teething besides what i already give her?

I give her teething tablets, infant pain reliever drops, sometimes orajel. she has been trying to get a tooth in for the last month with no luck yet. she'll be happy in my lap then i sit her down she starts fussing.

When should periods start to get regular?!?

im freaking out b/c i nvr know when my periods gonna come. im 13 and ive been getting it for like....about 6months i think. i got it two times last month! i just want to know when itll start to get a pattern. :] thx

Fainted after on my period?

Me & my boyyfriend were havin on my period when we were done there was blood everywhere on me on him & the bed we've had on my period before but I've never bled that much usually when we have on my period I barely bleed but this time there was a lot we decided to take a shower and I was fine until we got in the bathroom I looked in the shower and the water was all bloody I started feeling nauseous and dizzy I went in the shower and then I almost fainted I sat down in the shower and I couldn't see everything was blurry my boyfriend was sayin I was turnin purple & askin me what was wrong he turned the cold water on but I felt like I had to get out so he picked me up and I wobbled to the room layed down and the window was open so I was getting air then I was fine could it have been the sight of blood this has never happened to me before my period has also been a lot heavier lately though

Are antibiotics pain reliever?

Antibiotics aren't designed like pain relievers. Antibiotics are medicine to cure instead of numb and help fade pain. It helps because they boost your immune system and give a rush of healthy nourishment but aren't killing the pain, it's still fading slowly behind the rush and isn't a healthy way to get rid of pain. Don't takeantibiotics other than when you need them, you could get to the point of being ammune to them (they wouldn't work) and need them some time. Try using a warm wash clothe when you have a headache and drinking warm 7 up slowly for a stomache ache. Save the Antibiotics for when you are sick like with a cold, the flu or and infection. They are designed for that and do much better. They are great for a tooth ache though, a toothache is a nerve that's swollen and irritated due to some internal problem.

Ill gecko dont know what to do?

Phone a vet and ask for advice...you used the term 'quid' so your obviously in the uk...there are vets everywhere lol as well as pet shops. Take her to a pet shop and ask for help. Or get a job perhaps? Or sell something of yours to pay for it. If you love your pet that much you'll get the money somehow.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

McCanns: are you bored that 4 year old Madeleine McCann is still missing ?

As you know I ask questions about the McCann case. I get a range of answers some supporting the McCanns, some criticising them and still others sitting on the fence. But everytime I ask a question I get the same old people saying that they are 'bored' or I am 'boring'. Is it possible to be 'bored' knowing that a 4 year old child is missing ? is it possible to be 'bored' at a question about the same ? or are these people just 'bored' with their own lifeand want everyone to know about it ?

Why do Taylor Swift and Dolly write their own songs, but Reba and Martina McBride don't?

Taylor & Dolly were blessed with the talent of singing and writing, while Reba & Martina were only blessed with the talent of singing.

FEMALES please help with a few questions concerning a girl who dates many guys.?

You both sound young and this can be normal when we are young. As for her getting mad and upset because you have another g/f is because she does care about you. This young lady will end up in trouble if she doesn't have a good friend like you to be around.

2008 Sciont Tc in the snow?

My parents won't let me drive my 2008 Scion Tc to work in the 1-2 inches of snow expected tonight and its about a 20 minute drive. How can I convince them to let me or are they right for doing this? They think it cant handle well in the snow but i dont know what theyre going to do when theres real snow

Why I couldn't see Friday the 13th?

That's liberal democrats for you. They want to force their views on what's appropriate and what's not on everyone. It's dumb, but it's the law. Just have an older friend or parent drop you off, have them buy the tickets while you wait somewhere else, then they give you the tickets, you don't have to be embarred, and you get to see the film!

Can you attach a uhaul to the back of a scion TC and drive to California from Dallas?

I am planning on moving to San diego from Dallas can you attach a small uhaul to the back of a Scion TC?

When I get mad people laugh at me?

You should vent your anger as it comes. It is not good for you or your health to hold it in so long.Your only issue is hurting yourself by not letting people walk on you till you explode ,to be laughed at. Let them know your pissed at any time.

If a couple files a joint tax return, does that constitute common law marriage in KS?

The couple lived together for about 2 yrs, but have lived separatly for 3 1/2 years. The tax return filed jointly was in 2000

Soft Pastel Problem?

I stained my carpet with the dust from a black soft pastel stick. There is a fairly large black spot there now. How can I remove or greatly reduse the appearance of it?

What SAFE thing should i use to absorb my rabbits pee?

what do i use to absorb my rabbits pee? cuz when ever i clean the hutch out the the scoop (and brush) gets poo and stuff stuck to it, can i use paper bags? but i think they will eat the paper bags, if they can eat the paper bags, how do i know if the ink is safe? Please Answer, God Bless :)

Advise, please!!!?

My friend has a baby with her ex. She recently broke up with him because he was cheating on her. He is hysterical, wants her back, etc. Well, he has been pulling some incredible things, being a real a**hole, saying all kinds of horrible things to her. Last night, she said was veyr strange. She isn't crazy, she isn't stupid, she was born and raised Catholic, but last night she said she saw something very odd. She said that he was hysterical crying again, and she felt bad so she went to his place to try to help. She said after an hour of crying hysterically, sobbing, all that fun stuff, he calmed instantly, got up and blew his nose. IT scared the hell out of her, and she ran for the door, she thought he was going to beat her. But she said he came down the stairs after her, and said, very clearly "I'm not going to hurt you. (Insert her ex's name here) Doesn't want that." All she could do was stare at him. He continued to talk like this to her all night, referring to himself in the third

How long do i cook my pork roast?

I have a 1.75 lbs Boneless Pork Sirloin Chop Roast that I am cooking tonight. I treated it with a dry rub and drizzled with a bit of olive oil. Been sitting for a day. yummy!! Anyways, What temp and time is recommended for this huge slab of "other white meat" ???

Whats it mean when you bicker alot with someone?

theres a guy at work and he and i always seem to bicker with each other. He seems to pick on things i say and deliberatley cause an little bickering session. Its quite funny but i wondered whether its because i annoy him or whether he like bickering with me because he may like me?

Is there a free or inexpensive program that automatically levels the sound of music files?

I have SEVERAL mp3 files that were recorded at different bit rates. I want something that will bulk encode them at at the same level and maybe even level the volume. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

What picture for Twilight postcard?

ummmmm wat about a huge heart in the middle and then bat wings on the side of the heart.... to represent the vampires and the love between them ....... haha srry that sounds wierd but thats all i got ...... srry if i didnt help

Is greatness acheived by being "in the now"?

Be awake now. Greatness comes by doing ordinary things with great mindfulness. There is a Zen saying. Before Enlightenment, chop wood & carry water; after Enlightenmet, chop wood& carry water.

Hard Drive Health Diagnostic Tool that can be run from a Live CD?

IBM - Hitachi Drive Fitness Test( Freeware-ISO download)a href="http://majorgeeks.com/IBM_-_Hitachi_Drive_Fitness_Test_d2828.html" rel="nofollow"http://majorgeeks.com/IBM_-_Hitachi_Driv…/a

What would you tell ur bball team if they hve lost 2 straight yrs in the championship?

I am in 8th grade and i am on varsity and we hve lost in the championship 2 yrs in a row. wat could you tell you team so we can get that mental push to win

Does anyone have experiences dealing with SRS that have hurt their families?

I need information as I'm going to start bombarding our Governors office here in Kansas with complaints about SRS and St. Francis Academy caseworkers. This is NOT a rant. Just a request for information. We've been trying to adopt two of our grandchildren for the last 4 years. Long story short, it's a nightmare for grandparents. We've been mislead, lied to, and blown off by these people. The first set of adoptive parents the state chose over us are now in prison for child abuse and intentional torture. Now they are trying to adopt them to another family other than us! We work for the college in our town for goodness sake! And can raise these kids! They tell us they don't think we will set boundaries for our daughter. But they seem to forget who it was that called them in the first place! As much as I regret doing it now it was us! Does anyone have some feedback? It needs to be factual and something that can be substantiated. Thanks

Why would any US citizen regardless which party they affiliate themselves with?

Because 0bama is the GLOBAL citizen and wants you to be the same. Are you questioning 0bama, The Messiah. 0bama, The Son of God?

HELP!?!? I'm trying to figure out a song title and artist.?

All I can remember about the song is that it starts off with a girl going to a club and the bouncer lets her in even though shes underage. Then she ends up doing lots of shots and cocaine because guys keep buying her drinks and what not. Then I remember something about how the guy didn't want to call the police as she pes out because he doesn't want her to get in trouble or something. But then he ends up calling the police and they arrive but she ends up dying. I don't know, that is basically what I remember but I hope someone will know what I'm talking about. Thanks.

I dont agree with the nba all decade first and second team what you guys think about this one?

Switch Duncan and Garnett, replace Paul with Kidd, Pierce over Anthony, Yao over Howard, and Iverson could edge out Wade since he was here the whole decade.

What would it take to permanently shut down corrupt and gang-infested schools?

I've been struggling with my negative past pertaining to Gateway-Longview in Buffalo, NY and CSN (formerly CCSN) here in Las Vegas. If I can prove that their schools ARE NOT up to building code or even if they're do illegal crap such as smuggling and counterfeiting would that pit those idiots in their place??????????

Should I report what I saw or mind my business?

Im a new yorker :-( and rush hour in the subway is nothing short over crowded. I was in the subway yesterday afternoon and there is a staircase leading down to the subway and an escalator that goes up but often times gettin to the escalator takes to much time so many people just walk up the stairs. There is sometimes a MTA employee directing the flow of traffic and trying to prevent people from walking up the stairs since it congests the traffic headed into the subway. In any case, he was trying to stop people and one gentleman continued walkin in which case 3 police officers intervened grabbing the gentleman by his shirt throwing him against a little metal barricade to arrest him. This obviously started the fiasco, he loudly questioned why he was being arrested and one of the officers screamed at him at least 2x to shut the F*** up. The young man exclaimed loudly that he was being arrested for walking up the stairs as he was drawing a crowd of onlookers. They started dragging him up the stairs and half way up one of the cops pushed him a little hard causing him to fall flat on his face while people were still trampling by. He screamed out again and the officer said again shut the F*** up. So they bring him upstairs and seat him on the bench and began askin him for id while he continues yelling that he's being arrested for walkin up the stairs. 2 more cops join the "fun" as they realize they are being watched and photos are being taken. In an effort to settle the situation they try and give him a ticket which he refuses so the continue with the arrest. Needless to say I have pictures of the incident and all of the arresting officers. Should i report them for their unneccessary use of force or should i just mind my business??

Why does capitalism reward liars, cheats, swindlers, and theives while penalizing honest hard workers?

Will this fatal flaw of reinforcing bad behavior be the final downfall of capitalism? If the evil folks go to the top, and the good folks stay at the bottom, well then the system becomes ever more corrupt.

How long does it take for hair to grow back!!?

I got in a fight like a month ago or more and the girl pulled my hair and I.have like a little parch missing u can hardly see it but anyway just wondering how long will it take to get hair there!!

What should i do if i want the best of both worlds?

I have been married for 4 years with four beautiful children. After being in a comfortable relationship, my husband came up with the bright idea of having a with another woman. We had the but when it was over, he left us alone to please each other. It was the most pionate and sensual i had ever had in my life. After it was over he said that he wasn't comfortable with the idea that her and I sleep together alone. I told him that I wouldn't cross that line. After not being able to forget that feeling, i began seeing the woman without him knowing. He found out a couple of days ago and is willing to forgive me as long as I cut her out of my life. Befor I met my husband I had never slept with a woman and now that I have, I enjoy it better than I like having with a man. I love my husband dearly but I care about her and want to continue a ual relationship with her. Should I continue to keep lying to my husband, or cut her out of my life forever and constantly think about her?

How do I plan a multi-destination trip to Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico from the US?

I am looking to study Spanish in Cuba for a couple months and then continue on to Santo Domingo and San Juan. Does anyone have any recommendations for cheap airfare for multi-destination trips in the Caribbean that include Cuba? My travel dates are flexible. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Question about Roman persecution of Christianity.?

What reason do the Christians believe that the Roman Empire persecuted them for given the fact that NO other religion, cult, or other spiritual group was ever repressed by the Romans before the Christian religion became prominent in their government? Jesus did not preach rebellion, he didn't encourage them to lash out at the Romans, so why would the Romans have persecuted them so thoroughly?

What other make of truck wheels are interchangeable with a chevy 5 lug 5 diameter pattern?

i have a 96 1500 chevy with 15 inch wheels, i would like to go to a 16 inch, but i having a hard time finding this size in a 5- 5 pattern, what other makes might fit, toyota, jeep , dodge ?????

My newborn doesnt want to sleep in his crib anymore. ?

i have a 2 week old newborn he would sleep in his crib didnt have one problem with it. while i was sick in the hospital for three days and he had to stay with my mom we dont have a binet for him and we didnt need one cause he did so good sleeping in his crib. he slept in his bouncer now hes use to it. i waited till he was fast asleep and put him in his crib he was sleeping in his bouncer as soon as i layed down he woke up screaming. i just put him back in the bouncer hes fast asleep again. what do i do to break him from this? how do i get him to sleep in his crib again?


i had ecg xray blood test and i went to cardiologist they said nothing wrong wiv heart. its been 6 months now and i still get these random chest pains which last for bout 1-2 seconds. ive had a panic attack about 2-3 times now in the last couple of days. my arms had pins and needles and my face and also my stomac which felt like something pulling from inside. 1 side of my nose is sometimes blocked then the other sometimes both is bit block.... i cant breath properly..i been going bed like 4-6am when i sleep i feel my body going numb whÅŸch cause me to wake up quickly nd take a deep breath im like out of breath when this happens...it keeps happening for the past 3-4 days....is this because im sleeping late?? what should i do please

Plan on applying to Secret Service, have some questions?

I plan on applying for the secret service. I have a Reckless Driving on my record, was a DUI but reduced. I have never been convicted or caught with narcotics, but have used in the past (I was an idiot in high school and shortly after). I know they administer a polygraph and will ask questions. Am I doomed from the get-go? Thank you.

I Have PSP Firmware 3.4, what steps do I need to take to start playing SNES games?

I want to play SNES games on my PSP. It has Firmware 3.4. Did i just get unlucky and buy the wrong type do you need to buy a PSP with oe and all that. Or do i need to make modifications ??? Can someone Plz break this down barney style for me and explain the steps needed to turn my psp into a handheld SNES before i loose my mind trying to figure this out. Any answers are greatly appreciated.

What would the fear of seaweed be called?

Ok this might sound weird but I'm PETRIFIED of seaweed!! Even if it touches me I get scared. I once was playing with my friends in the ocean when the tide went down and the seaweed surrounded us, and they literally had to tow me out of the ocean because I was frozen stiff and did not budge. they said that I had gone pale as a ghost. another time I actually PED OUT!!! I guess I really scared them. But its just, part of it is that you can't see whats in the seaweed. Also this sounds even lamer but I'm afraid that its going to wrap around my legs and pull me under. Do you know what this fear is called?

Is there a Holy Water place in Russia where people bathe?

I heard from a friend that there is a place in Russia where people go to submerge themselves in a pool of Holy Water. I also heard that they get naked when they enter the water. Is this true? Are the genders separated for modesty? This doesn't sound right to me, and I wanted to find-out.

BFP ladies, how exactly did u feel in the early days?

Hi was reading through resolved questions and cant really get a straight answer. I am 12 days past ovulation and Af is due in 7 days for the past 4 days i have had twinges and dull cramps. have a few other sypmtoms too. Anyway was just wondering how many women who've had BFP have had dull AF like cramps like period is coming? Is it the majority or just like the odd few? TTC no. 1 xoxox

Anyone know any awsome movies?

i like comedy, horror (just not a lot of blood!! or killings like that movie final destination i hate those kind of movies) romance, and action i don't mind if their international movies either ^-^ expessually like german cause i know some. some of the movies i like are she's the man, dresden (best movie of all time), and flushed away

Firt time irregular periods?

hi, i m 24 yrs.Fist time i m facing this pblm..2 month over til i have not gt periods..plz tel some suggestions.if any tablet s thr to get periods...i m mently depressed about dis.i have maturbte habit from thi if any pblm for periods plz let me know.

How to defend myself in a fight?

Well, I know this sounds fake but I swear this is true. Cheerleading and Basketball is happening at the same gym because it is hugee! so my ex really hates me and he said that he's going to hit me in the face with a bball mess me up on cheerleading, and he said hes going to "make my white azz face black so dont even come tuesday night". WHICH IS TOMMRROW! are there any good comebacks and anyways to fight without maing myself look stupid, also i have some tough azz cheerleaders and some of them say they got my back which they do. PLEASE HELP I WANT MY FACE THE WAY ITS SUPPOSE TO BE D:

Why does car shift funny and go into limp mode?

89 Chrysler New Yorker, 3.0, A604 , fwd, I bought a car it shifting perfectly first day. The next day the starts to go in and out of gear (3rd gear) around 31 MPH and even neutraling out sometimes, not really slipping just going hard in gear then back out. On board computer reads "check trans" right after car goes in limp mode. Replaced input and output speed sensors and engine temperature sensor but it didn't help. Not sure if it's related but ABS light came on a day or so later and the breaks got spongy and low coolant light has been on since day one and coolant is not low.. Car goes in limp mode everytime I drive it, forcing me to drive around in 2nd gear, any suggestions?

Why did tea partiers take a previously noble idea and corrupt it by taking the same name?

The original Tea Partiers were protesting taxation without representation. I'm going to take a leap here and ume that most Tea Party protesters are American citizens and most of them aren't felons.. as such, if they haven't been "represented" they haven't been voting, leaving them exactly 1 person to blame.. I see no parallels behind the greedy "I want all of my money and don't want to help America" people and the original protesters, who were being taxed without representation

What do you take that is safe and works for a cough?

I have been taking the Robitussin DM my doctor said I could take but it doesn't work all that great. I am now on my second course of antibiotics because twice it has gotten so bad that I was coughing up infectious looking stuff. I think it may be bronchitis because I have had it for over a month but there isnt' really much they can let you take. I am 20 weeks and am just wondering if there is anything else anyone knows of that I could ask my doctor about. Thanks

How to tell if a toenail is still ingrown?

I ripped off half my toenail in a biking accident a few weeks ago, and it grew back ingrown. I cut it as far as I could, but I'm not sure if it's still ingrown or not since I only know how to tell if it's ingrown if it's near the top of my toe and I had to cut it down to almost the middle of the nail. It's still a little swollen, and it hurts when I hit it against something, but it's not red anymore. I clean and put neosporin on it daily and keep it loosely bandaged. I also do the hot water soak things. How do I tell if it's healing properly? It's been about a week since I cut it.

How would an African American look with light hair?

I know a lot of people as about hot pink hair and blonde hair...but I was wondering about pastel pink. I have short, kind of chin length shaggy hair. I really like the color, but would it look good in the hair? And would it destroy my hair?

Do you think that smokin should be banned for good?

I personally don't smoke and never will but it would cause too many problems if the government banned smoking which is why they choose to keep it legal. For one soooo many people are addicted to it there is no way they could all just give up smoking because as you should know nicotine is addictive. So many people would still want that cigarette they would make them and sell them on the black market. This is the market where drugs are sold illegally. This would in turn cause crime to go up because the people who couldn't afford cigarettes on the black market would steal them and in turn could get shot. Besides most of our government smokes so I doubt they are going to try to p a law on something they enjoy doing so much.

Is my dog farting??

I keep smelling something that is reminiscent of wet dog, but I can't seem to pinpoint the smell, I've febrezed everything, is this what dog farts smell like? I have two chis that have their crates in our living room and they may just be constantly farting, I can't tell...


Anyone know where to acquire the bonus digital track BESIDES ITUNES???? I hate that site and their crap software with encoding.

Boy trouble!!!! HELPPPP?

You have to see if he's showing any signs that he likes you. The most common one is of course stare at you when he thinks you're not looking.

Should I or should I not text an ex to apologise?

Wow you were rude. You got confused over his simple happy holidays message so he will definetly get confused over your apology. Seeing as you dont want to get back with him i suggest you dont apologise. This will only bring back all the bad memories for him. It has been a few months gone now and i think you should just leave it. The time to apologise and say what you needed to say has gone and you will only make things work. You are going to have to deal with the consequences of your behaviour and learn from this. This was a life lesson for you and now you know that in future, it is important to handle the break up carefully. Learn and move on.

Hey this is about my life....plz help guys?

she has strong bonding with her ex is it possible that they are physically involved.but when i asked her she said no...i love her lyk her...n i m very possessive...she said she can't love me she needs time...some times she talks very rudely n even abuse me also...but she also say she wanna love me n i have everything she need....what should i do now i don't wanna lose her even cant she her with some1 else....but her ex calls her .i also told her 2 go back 2 her ex but doesnt want 2 bcoz her is rude n alll..everytime i ask sme1 wat 2 do they say 2 leave her but i m not able 2 i love her alot.is not like that i dnt trust her..she said she is ingoring her x but my friends always say they could b physically involved but i m not able 2 beleive dis.but this feeling killin me 4 inside n v had fought on dis topic many times bcoz i always feel that some3rd person is between us ....plz help me..

Cincinnati Bearcats what do you think?

i think they have a very good chance to go undefeated .. although i think they should start Pike this week .. but either way i can see them beating Alabama in a bowl game .. don't think they'll make it to the Nat Champ though cuz it looks like Fla and Texas will run the table .. but Cinci is alot of fun to watch .. i'll be rootin for them

Any Ideas?

Does anyone have any ideas on making a website? I was wondering what kind of website you would like to see on the web. I am asking this because I would like to creat a website.

Top 10 celebs??!!?

Who cares about Celebrity's, focus more on YOUR life...maybe one day you will be a celebrity! Perhaps you'll be on the top of my "Top 10 Celebrity List." Ever think of that?

Wwe smackdown vs raw 07 n 08 glitches??

soo when 07 first came out me and my cousin had a chick match and i was mickie he was lita anyway i eliminated trish and when she got up she done her finisher to me and i got on red my cousin pinned me and on 08 soo many glitches happen when he brought it omg me and my cousin had a tag team match he was kelly i was mickie and the ref called him out he reveresd somethin and him and the ref got stuck they wouldant move and nobody could win the match and today we where playing and i was doing swanton bomb on mickie wouldant stop than she froze for good nd i tryed pickin her up couldant becos that was a another glitch it was soo werid i tryed pining and she was stuck on the floor like she was dead or somefin it was soo funi didnt know what to and onece we was in a match chicks and my cousin done a flying move from the rope and i kicked him he endedup outside the ring and it was a battle royal than i went outside we got weapons HONEST TO GOD IM NOT LIEIN TELL ME UR GLITCHES OR WT HAPPEN

How can I use the Overdrive facility in my new car?

Can I use overdrive when my car is in 35-40 mph?Should I change to Drive when I stop or reduce the speed?

What do you call this ?

I need the word for a handheld recorder that can record like up to 5 things and have 5 ons to play all of them kinda lyk the remote in iCarly

How to tell her that i like her?

you wanna go out for dinner and kiss at the end of the night. that will give her the message that you want her. You dont have to say anythign the kiss tells all lol..

A good shade to paint my living room?

It has a red brick chimney, light pink/beige curtains, and the kitchen is visible from the living room, which is a light mocca color. Most of the furniture is in brown/beige tones with floral design

Are Daniel Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield related?

Yes they are brother and sister, she is big in america whilst he has kinda faded away, they have another sister called Tarsha or something like that who is releasing music soon.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

From .......Hero to Zero.......Bad luck for Misbah-ul-Haq .?

Well how hard it is to score one run from last two ? Specially for a Misbah-ul-Haq who was batting there from long time and was in good form. He was hitting all bowlers and was doing good.Well every body for a while thought may be is a lion for pakistan, but at the end he was just a goat.For 5 minutes he was a hero...but last to he was zero".

Is their anyone famous from your hometown?

Andy Griffith, Donna Fargo, and Tommy Jarrell are from mine. I have seen them a couple of times. Except for Tommy hes dead. Do you ever see the famous person from your town?

If you pay 50% of a mortgage off and then default on later payments, can you get repossessed?

I am asking out of curiosity so this doesn't apply to me personally. If you pay 50% of a mortgage off, but then run into difficulties to pay the rest, can your house still get repossessed? Technically, you a) fully own the house and b) have paid half of the mortgage and will repay the rest when you get the chance. To me it seems ethically bankrupt for a bank to repossess you, no matter how many payments you miss. it would make more sense for the bank to already OWN the house and the mortgage holder to buy back the banks share from the bank. this is more ethically valid, saves time, costs and spreads the risk. that would also stop the present meltdown that exists now. thanks in advance

Does anyone know of a good bar to go to in Mt. Dora, Florida? Have you heard of the bar Rodeo?

there is a mc gregors bar at 502 1/2 n highland st in mt dora 352 735 7443 thats the only one i could find you could give them a call they may be able to give you a phone number for bar rodeo.

So he got a new dog...out of NOWHERE!?

email me,..and I will give you good tips,..as far as care,..if you are old enough to inquire,..then take care of her,you must be old enough!..lots of love is a great start! There are rabies clinics, if you can get her to one,..and it is the law,..liscence her,..it is only 14.50 for an intact animal,..if you can't afford spaying,..and are low income,..there are programs all over to help,..give up something for you to help her,..hey mom,..all I want for my birthday is for this dog to get fixed,..that is my birthday wish,..you can teach them, the proper ways,..by applying them yourself first!

Is George Jones still alive?

I wanna hear good news about it and i don't want to hear the same thing that happen to Johnny Cash and Porter Wagoner because I'm not happy with it and I want that artist to still be around and live forever I love his music

Why are asylum seekers and teen mums given council housing?

because we are a nation of softees who will always give a hand out to other nations whilst neglecting our own.

Need help Military travel?

I am trying to fly home on 17th of Nov from Ft Knox Ky to Oklahoma City...Does anyone have codes for airlines......I can only get a it as low as 200.....I need a one way ticket...PLEASE HELP

Whatever happened to the atheist's worst nightmare?

I haven't seen a question about bananas, crocoducks, or Kirk Cameron in a long time. Whatever happened to those arguments?

To the person sitting in darkness...?

well i have to read this essay for my english cl and i dont really understand it. i know that mark twain is talking about imperialism but thats about it. can anyone tell me what are the essential ideas in this essay?

Looking for a cat bowl; ceramic and has the word "gatto" & italian art all over it.?

I know I saw it in a magazine somewhere within the last month or two, but I can't find the magazine. Does anyone remember it from the magazine (something like Cosmo/Glamour, maybe Martha Stewart Living) or know where I can find something like it online. This would be the most perfect holiday gift!

Questions about buying a Subaru?

How good is a Subaru in snowy icy winters? Do they get good mileage? What is a good kind to get if I'm buying used? How many miles per gallon do they get? Any other advice? even if you can only answer one that would be great! thanks!

Why is Big Bang Theory taught in schools, but not God Did It Theory or Flying Spaghetti Monster Theory?

Because we Satanists teamed up with the vegans (who I presume are to the FSM what Satanists are to Jesus) and worked tirelessly to keep them out. We just hate you all that much.

Can my mother just throw me away?

Can a mother truly stop loving her child? My mother and I aren’t talking. Nor have we seen each other in 9 years. She was and is very abusive towards me. She denies it to this day. She has said and done a lot of things to me that most mothers would never think to do. I think I have talked to her 3 times in the last 8 years. And those times that we spoke she doesn’t sound like she is hurting inside. She sounds like she has totally moved on. Like im no longer her son. I tell her constantly that im her son. That she gave birth to me. That im her blood. She doesn’t care. Im cutting off all any communication with her further more. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She hateful and doesn’t love me or anyone that for that matter. She gave birth to me in a time in her life when things were really bad for her. No one was around that cared or loved her. My father was abusing her physically and mentally. I strongly believe she ociates me with pain and suffering. And that’s what empowers her to treat me like crap. I have asked her if this is true. She says NO. but I find it hard to believe. I have a lot of trust issues. As well as a lot of emotional issues. Attachment issues. Heart issues. You name it, I got it. All thanks to her and horrid methods of parenting me. Its like I suffer on a count of her poor skills as a mother. Now, I don’t hold that against her completely. She wasn’t raised that well either. Kind of a domino affect in a sense. But I never asked to be brought into this world. I didn’t have a say so in the situation. Its unfair. It really is. And I hate when people tell me no one ever said it was going to be fair. But come on….when it comes to something like this. My mother has left me with so much emotional trauma I find it hard to love myself let alone other people. I want to know if she can let go of me. Can she really de-attach herself from me and act/live as if I was never brought about?

Salmon&trout fishing?

i would like to fish for salmon in some of the rivers in NY but i hear you need the right gear as the salmon are strong i have an 8' berkly pole for cat fishig and 20 test, is this the right gear or should i go heavyer with the line? and what baits to use help me out fishermen...im in ohio

This is a people problem; although it's directed today towards the Hispanic Nationality...?

Thats hard to believe, being that these same people are actually hired out to keep up others peoples yards. Just go talk to the folks, maybe they dont realize how bad it is. Take pictures and show them to the folks. Maybe it will open their eyes to whats their yard really looks like.

So if WWE makes movie stars?

Well because films that WWE has produced have been boring. All the superstars you've named have been in movies. Ted Dibiase was in the The Marine 2, John Cena was in The Marine/Legendary, Big Show was in KnuckleHead/Jingles All The Way and Last but not least Randy Orton was in That What I Am. WWE Films are honestly boring, its great to see your favortie superstar in a hollywood film but if the script sucks then there's no Value to the film. Its like they hired there own Wrestling Writers to write the movie. But to honestly WWE films are crap and no good. The only film I thought was good was The Scorpian King with Dwayne "Rock" Johnson! Another think is the sucess in WWE films are not well. The only films that made decent amonts were The Marine and Scorpian King. Other than that all other have failed to make a big impact at the box office. The films are so bad that they're released on DvD almost 2 Weeks later!

I hate my own culture, and people is it bad?

Im an British Indian. I was born in the UK, and raised in a good family. But I have grown to hate my own people. In my life, the only people who have made my life difficult are indian people and I can tell you, they have messed my life up bad. We are the most hateful people around in my opinion. We don't care about anyone else, only ourselves. How many times have you heard indians calling other indians "freshies", just because they come from India? I used to retaliate and explain how wrong it was.Now, I don't care any more. I'm sick and tired of it. We walk around in track suits and think we're God's only golden race. We accuse everyone else as being immoral and want to keep our race "pure". God forbid an indian guy marries a girl from any other race. Also, what the F is up with karma sutra. It's sick how we worship a damn book. I have no Indian friends, the closest, friends I have are white, black and asian. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my religion, I have a strong faith but hate the people in it. Am I wrong for doing this?

Gilmore Girls?

R u as hooked on this I love this program and cant wait till "Hallmark" run the new series

I like Butch masculine women, but I'm not sure what to do?

Okay, I'm a submissive androgyne bigender male who's attracted to Butch / Masculine women. But from my studys most masculine women like that are more inerested in other women then someone like me. What can I do? I'm not attracted to feminine women or men at all.

I think I got checked out by the janitor?

If you are uncomfortable then say something to a teacher or principal. If it were a girl getting ogled by some creepy guy janitor she would say something..there should be no double standard.

Victoria's Secret Crackling Bust Firmer's first ingredient is butane?

When I bought it I had a feeling it was going to be a waste of money, but now I'm scared to use it. How safe can butane be for your skin?

How to reinstall Vista when partition has been deleted?

I have vista on my compaq desktop, and I was going to do a clean installment of it, but didnt want to lose my pictures, so i accidentally formated by recovery partition and put my pictures there... how can i now perform a clean reinstall if i dont have the vista cd?

Can you put two unrelated female mini lop rabbits in same hutch?

My 11 yr old son has an approx 3 month old female mini lop and we are looking at getting another baby mini lop for our 9 yr old daughter. Can we put two unrelated females together in the same hutch or will they fight? The hutch isn't huge but they would get a LOT of "house time" when brought inside for a run around (which the first one gets now anyway).

Monday, November 7, 2011

T-Mobile, Service? And RIP OFF?

You can try and find a solicitor and file a cl action. I agree that they're a con, like most corporations these days. I bet Oxygen/O2 is just as bad. Try Virgin.

Could someone translate this for me? I do believe it's in Indonesian.?

cinta sperti LILIN abadi yg terus membrikn chayany,merelakan dirinya trbakar demi orng lain yg dia cintai,tanpa memikirkan 'demi kebanggaannya'....

What should i do about this girl i like?

Lightly ask her out on a dinner, and about nervousness, just calm down, just like you talk to a friend ask her if she wants to do something this day

Why does not God hurry up, come back and explain himself ?

He did all this deliberately. He is still, "making man in our own image." He's not done yet. And to add to that, he set times which are translated as "Feasts", so that certain things will be accomplished in the time He previously appointed. There are still some Feasts which are not fulfilled. So there is still time.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch?

He's probably not over you, or he just wants to see what happens. I've done that once before after me and my ex broke up (cept no cheating). It's cause theres possibly something still there that wants him to keep in contact. If it's just random "hey, how are you" once in a great while, thats pretty normal. If its consistant and decently often, then he wants something out of it.

What is the Japanese name for the Scion Tc?

As stated previously, manufactured in Japan for U.S. consumption. Scions are called Toyotas in Japan. I am visiting the manufacturing plant in Japan in a couple of weeks. I will have firsthand information when I return.

What are the best enhancement pills?

A enhancement pill that increases grith, lenght, performance, sprem count and volume. Also includes fast and long term results.

Did they ever find out who ate David Rockefeller's nephew?

Yes Rockefeller had ties with Communism just go to rockefeller center, all communist symbols, pictures and statues.*

What if this package had been stolen or ruined?

My dad just ordered a 3,000 dollar gibson guitar, and it was supposed to show up sometime yesterday afternoon. I had to wait around at my house all day because it was supposed to have a signature to be delivered. It didnt come all day and once my mom got home we waited about another hour until six-thirty and umed it wouldnt be coming that day, so we went to get groceries. But then when we came home it was sitting on our doorstep. That would have been fine for most packages, but my question is, if it had been stolen or ruined by rain (which it almost did rain, by the way) would it have been UPS's fault, or would we be the ones responsible for replacing it? Keep in mind that we arent a rich family and dont just have 3,000 dollars to throw away, but my dad has been saving up for this specific guitar for years.

Who thinks julio jones should go play for LSU??

he is the # 1 WR in the nation. this was what scout.com said about him "Jones has a great combination of size, speed, quickness, and athleticism. He is tough over the middle and can get behind the secondary. Jones can take the short p and make the first defender miss or run right through him. He's so dangerous with the ball in his hands because of his sheer size, power, speed and elusiveness. Jones has very good balance and super vision. . Jones is also super in the air and he has great hands."

What Should I Do About This Guy 10PTS?

There's a guy in one of my university lectures who sits in front of me. He usually turns slightly in his seat and stares at me thru the corner of his eyes when he thinks I don't notice. He's cute but he never talks to me. I've noticed he tries to get my attention like one time he did a very blatant doubletake of my face and it seems like he tries to catch my gaze. One time, I caught his gaze and he lowered his head and smiled to himself. Other times, he'll turn half way in his seat and just stare at my feet, or legs (crotch?) I can't tell, since I try my best to ignore him. But it makes me pretty uncomfortable and nervous when ppl stare like that. He has been doing this since January. thx

I have to know if he likes me too and?

i sit with him and pretend not 2 like him and i told my friend that i liked him and she asked who he liked and he said me and he has a friend abbi who is being a brat and says he doenst write like that and when we click (me and him) she gets so cranky and acts so ugh and she tries to piss me off because im soooo easy to get to and it works and she gave me her school pic and i tore it up cus i got pissed and then on friday i told the dude i was going out with sum1 and it nearly killed him and i noe it was mean but it was a test bcuz i needed 2 noe if he feelt for me and his feelngs showed he did ima apologize on mondai but i had did it on firdai and i need ed 2 noe if hes ok im soo dum help me does he?

My honeydew seedlings dont look like they should?

You know how there leaves are supposed to look like pumpkins seedling leaves well mine are tall and the leaves are oval shaped.Are they honeydew melons or mystery seeds?

Can you tell me the name of this album?

Around 2001 a friend of mine and I listened to a cd he had that was named something like *Jug Band Music*.One particular song on it said something like *Never swat a bee if he is going anywhere,you could be messing up part of an insect love affair*.Those songs were cute,but I can`t remember the excact name of it to look for it.Could you give me the name of the album and also the name of that song?

I can't remember things and questions for exams?

I have a big problem.I can't remember things in daily life and this creat's a big problem for me.I also could not remembered questions for my exams,although i learn it very carefully.Plz help me out of this!!!

What scenerios could play out if Musharraf is overthrown in Pakistan?

good lord that would be bad. i would hate to think of the nasty mess that would cause...far worse than the situation in iraq. i could certainly see many of the foreign terrorists going from iraq and afghanistan to pakistan to try and take over in a taliban-style gov't. the possibility of having nukes would be too tempting.

Rate my Fantasy Football team plz?

u need another WR, thats for sure. Ginn is gonna be great though. Ive heard some really really great things about NE defense lately that looks good, a couple names i dont recognize, nice job on getting AP btw. uhm, i say a solid B, ur WR kinda lack. Do NOT rely on AP to take it all though, you never know what could happen. he could get injured and you would be royaly screwed.

What can i do to make my lap top run faster?

i have a sony vaio running at 2ghz with 512 mgz of ram, short of installing more ram, ive looked at "msconfig" and most stuff is already off but for some reason i cant watch a video on wmp without lag... plz hlp!

Do you think you're one of those people that have perfect pitch?

Hahaha yes! It is amazingly annoying! I too start playing others parts...feel your hate/love relationship w/ this gift/curse. :)

What is your opinion on this system?? Before I buy it!?

hmmmmmmm nice ones from here in thios the best one sony one ok and if u wnna spend 800 dollar than y don't u go alpine or clarion or jbl hmmmmmmmm this are the best one for more information go to google i bet u will get there

Does anybody know a good autobiography or biogoraphy?

I need to have a biography or autobiography for school. It needs to be at a 10 th or 11th grade reading level. i would like one that is interesting not just boring facts. thanks!

Have u tried............?

the new budweiser american ale?? iv been wanting to try it but havent seen it yet. if so, how was it?

Can a reliever get two blown saves in the same game?

No, only one blown save per pitcher a game. More than one pitcher can be credited with a blown save as its possible to have leads going into a close out 1/2 inning and the pitcher gives up the lead. Once he gives up the lead and the team comes back to re-take a lead, that pitcher becomes the pitcher of record. If the team wins or loses, he will be credited with a win or loss. Otherwise if the team regains the lead only another pitcher can come into the game and earn a save.

What is the situation of Kazaaa Sharing software?

Is it an virus programme trying to hack our life? bcs when i do download all the virus programmes moves up and gives alert,i also know it is forbidden in some of the countries to use it...what is that?

Looking for doug kershaw?

I have not heard anything about Doug Kershaw in years. I saw him in person a long time ago in Dallas. He puts on a great show!!!!

Question about taking antibiotics for my stye?

The human body can only process a certain amount of an antibiotic at one time. That is why antibiotics are prescribed based on weight. If you take more than that amount the body will excrete the excess in the urine and it will be lost. Take the prescribed dose for best results which you should start to see in about 2 days.

Am I being unreasonable?

My daughter's father refuses to pay child support. He owns 3 business. Drives both a Hummer and a BMW. Everything he owns is in his fathers name to evade an equitable amount of support. He has a son from a previous marriage. He's a liar, hence when we've taken him to court (repeatedly). He argues that he's unemployed. As a result his support was ordered at $214 per month per child. He is currently thousands in arrears. Despite the money, I've allowed him to have a relationship with our daughter. I recently moved across country. I'm at the point where I want to end all contact because he's a poor excuse for a man/father. He doesn't call because it's long distance. Rather she calls him and I have to pay the charges. My daughter loves him and doesn't see him for who he really is. Let her tell it he walks above water. No matter what I say or do I'm the bad guy. Yet, she has everything because I provide it. I'm feed up and I want to end all contact. I don't want to hurt her. If he wants to visit, he needs to pay for airfare and if he wants to talk to her..he needs to get her a prepaid cell phone and ship it to her. How do I deal with this deadbeat?

Is it true redheads are more ticklish than most people?

I heard people with red hair and paler complexions are a lot more sensitive than people with other hair colors and darker pigmentation. Anyone else ever hear this? Im a redhead and pale and EXTREMELY ticklish so i believe it but i dont know if its just something made up or not.

I need Help..I have a question about the census 2010?

don't worry; nobody's getting into trouble. you did the right thing filling out the census; that helps your hometown qualify for funding and representation. mistakes happen; it's no big deal.

Will there be a penalty for early repayment of my consolidated student loans?

It depends on the terms of your loans. Some privately consolidated loans do have prepayment penalties.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is there anyway you can provide me with 3 line introduction of a Taj Mahal?

I am trying to creat a Video Called "Tribute to Taj Mahal"; I need maximum three line introduction that would really sound like dramatic you know.

What are the chances Jonny Keogh (Ralf Little) returns to the recently confirmed series 8 of Two Pints?

i hope he dose i really miss him maybe he will come out of the shower. i hope they don't replace donna

Solubility of carbon dioxide?

If you had put (HCO3)- and H+ on the right hand side, you would be able to see that adding an alkali such as NaOH would react with the H+ ions, thus reducing their concentration. The equilibrium will therefore try to raise the concentration of H+ ions to their former level, and it does this by dissolving more CO2.

What should I say to my Crush? 10 POINTS FOR HALPING ME. =)?

maybe u should like go up to him after cl and be like ''hey would ya like to go and go grab a bite to eat and talk or sumthing

What are good alcoholic drinks (besides beer) for men to order at social functions?

I don't like beer but I'm never sure of what to order at a bar or restaurant as a 30+ guy who wants to network more. It's not like college where I can order a Long Island Iced Tea. Except for gin and tonic, or vodka tonics, what are good safe drinks to order to make you look hip and sophisticated? Can't do the girly drinks. If I just get straight scotch, people will think I'm trying too hard. Any suggestions of good drinks? And when you order something, do you always have to specify the type of vodka/gin/alcohol? (like gray goose?

Is the AFC South the hardest devision in the NFL for 2008?

With all teams being a potential contender for a playoffs spot, can this division produce 3 teams for the 2008 playoffs again...

How do you introduce a very protective pitbull to a baby?

Like the person said dont allow immediate contact with the baby. Who does Jack show aggression to???? I have had pits in my family. First they are a family dog. It is idiots who raise them on chains and to fight that are bad naming the dogs. The pit bull was bred to hunt boar and herd cattle that were problems for normal breeds. The pits tenacity to take a boar and bull down was its attraction. Anyway. If the pit shows aggression to your child then you have issues. It the pit shows aggression to non family( those that do not live in your house hold) then that is a good quality in the dog. That is what you want in a dog is to show protection of those in its house hold. If your pit shows aggression towards the baby then he may need to be an outside dog til it can learn that Tristan is family. I have known many pits like alot of mis represented dogs to be protective over children and babies. My dogs guard me cause i have had them since they were weaned from their mothers ( I have Belgian Malinois). However since I am away My sister has had to keep my dogs and they protect my niece who was only about 8 months old when introduced to them and is now turning two. My niece was in her front yard when some strangers approached and the dogs immediately got in front of my niece and would not let anyone but her mother near her. They also follow her like a shadow around the yard and house.

Numbness and Tingling in my left arm?

Earlier this year my mom had a similar problem. She would feel tingling all the way down her arm. When the injury first occurred, it was excruciating, but over time it became easier to tolerate. She went to the doctor, and he said she had a herniated disc. She went to physical therapy, and her arm greatly improved. She was going to have to undergo surgery, but the doctor said if it was not causing her that much trouble that she should go with out it unless it became a major problem again. She will have permanent weakness in that arm, but surgery would not guarantee to make it 100 percent better. Anyway, what I am saying is that it might have something to do with the discs in your back. Strengthening exercises would help your recovery, and I hope it gets better.

I just want LOOOOOOVE!?!?

Well its nice you have some sort of goal but, shop around for many years before you decide on getting married...Heck your not ready if you think a stripper and her 3 kids are wonderful...Enjoy life and have a little fun...while your young....