Friday, November 11, 2011

R&S:- god has made all equal or have kept some difference?

All humans are here to experience life, and we all have to take the good with the bad, that was the deal ("The knowledge of good and evil"). Some people can tip the scale in the favor of good things occurring if they are aligned with their true will, or true potential. We all have the right to live a happy and abundant life, but not everyone chooses this (in their subconsious). When you are doing negative and hateful things, it takes you away from this will. Even though there are rich people who don't deserve their fortunes, and good-hearted people who suffer, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and maybe that soul is choosing that experience for their spiritual growth. Only the soul knows why one chooses the life they have. But our lives no matter how bad can always be turned around when we are aligned with a higher power.

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