Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crazy Obsession With Pleasing People, Please Answer!?

I used to be like this and then I got tired of people taking advantage of me now I have became almost bitter over this. I don't really do that much anymore for other people. I used to do a lot for my mom and I was always there for her when her husband treats her badly, now I barely come around. I'm tired of that. I used to help people at work if they needed help on something, now I say I'm busy. I used to help my friend babysit her kid, drive him to school when I don't have kids and don't even want kids because I think they're too much for me to handle. She didn't give me any money to do it and here I was with her kids 7 hours and using my gas for her, when I really don't want that responsibility. So were not friends anymore. I stopped talking to her and if she tries to talk to me, I avoid or look mean and angry so she wont talk to me. I used to do everything for my boyfriend, his laundry, clean the house, from wall to floors, to ceilings, it was spotless, I still keep the house clean because I can't live in a house dirty but I'm not doing as much as I once did. He would get upset one day if I decided to kick back when everyday it seemed like go to work, come home, cook, clean, and then go to bed, yeah huh. So now its like I spend 1 hour cleaning a day and thats it and he helps out now. The truth is if you let these people walk all over you, one day, you will get tired of it. I became this way because many people have taken advantage of me and I let it happen but it has taught me for the better. Now I don't let anyone take advantage of me, and I only help if I want to. I'm still giving but to a certain extent. ~~~~~~~As far as the guy thing, randomly having , don't do that. If he wont wait don't let him take it. Don't let men take advantage of you, its your life and if they don't like it tell them to stick it where it counts....Don't do her work, shes using you, forget that, tell her I rather not do your work anymore, they're paying me only to do my work and I'm not getting paid to do yours too, I can show you some ways to get it done quicker or maybe help a little but I'm not going to do it for you. If she was a friend, she wouldn't let you do my work. I wouldn't let you do my work, I'm responsible for my own work......If they want to copy off you, make up a lie, the teacher told me my work looks like someone elses and I don't want to get in trouble because your coping my work. ........The money situation, I don't have money right now to let you borrow because you already owe me money and I'm saving up for something so I can't let you borrow it, sorry........Tell your parents you want to have time to do other things, offer to do the dishes after dinner, take out the trash and sweep the floor and to do your laundy, that's sufficient. They need to help out too.........Check out a book called, 250 Way to say it---and mean it,"NO." The author is Susan Newman, Ph.D. This book gives you ways to say no and get your point across without being too forward. Goodluck, be strong, and don't let anyone walk on you.

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