Thursday, November 10, 2011

Advise, please!!!?

My friend has a baby with her ex. She recently broke up with him because he was cheating on her. He is hysterical, wants her back, etc. Well, he has been pulling some incredible things, being a real a**hole, saying all kinds of horrible things to her. Last night, she said was veyr strange. She isn't crazy, she isn't stupid, she was born and raised Catholic, but last night she said she saw something very odd. She said that he was hysterical crying again, and she felt bad so she went to his place to try to help. She said after an hour of crying hysterically, sobbing, all that fun stuff, he calmed instantly, got up and blew his nose. IT scared the hell out of her, and she ran for the door, she thought he was going to beat her. But she said he came down the stairs after her, and said, very clearly "I'm not going to hurt you. (Insert her ex's name here) Doesn't want that." All she could do was stare at him. He continued to talk like this to her all night, referring to himself in the third

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