Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Can my mother just throw me away?

Can a mother truly stop loving her child? My mother and I aren’t talking. Nor have we seen each other in 9 years. She was and is very abusive towards me. She denies it to this day. She has said and done a lot of things to me that most mothers would never think to do. I think I have talked to her 3 times in the last 8 years. And those times that we spoke she doesn’t sound like she is hurting inside. She sounds like she has totally moved on. Like im no longer her son. I tell her constantly that im her son. That she gave birth to me. That im her blood. She doesn’t care. Im cutting off all any communication with her further more. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She hateful and doesn’t love me or anyone that for that matter. She gave birth to me in a time in her life when things were really bad for her. No one was around that cared or loved her. My father was abusing her physically and mentally. I strongly believe she ociates me with pain and suffering. And that’s what empowers her to treat me like crap. I have asked her if this is true. She says NO. but I find it hard to believe. I have a lot of trust issues. As well as a lot of emotional issues. Attachment issues. Heart issues. You name it, I got it. All thanks to her and horrid methods of parenting me. Its like I suffer on a count of her poor skills as a mother. Now, I don’t hold that against her completely. She wasn’t raised that well either. Kind of a domino affect in a sense. But I never asked to be brought into this world. I didn’t have a say so in the situation. Its unfair. It really is. And I hate when people tell me no one ever said it was going to be fair. But come on….when it comes to something like this. My mother has left me with so much emotional trauma I find it hard to love myself let alone other people. I want to know if she can let go of me. Can she really de-attach herself from me and act/live as if I was never brought about?

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